Wednesday, February 1, 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Pennsylvania's Only NASCAR Team Goes "Green"

Peck Motorsports is proud to announce they are leading the race to "Go Green" in the NASCAR Campig World Truck Series. Peck Motorsports driver, Todd Peck, will be entering his second season in the series in 2012. Peck, who races the #96 Kids Get Arthritis Too truck believes it is "important to make sure our team does it's part to protect the environment."

The Peck Motorsports team, with help from Renewable Engineered Systems and Keystone Biofuels, has begun the transition to a greener team by making changes to the team's hauler by switching to LED lighting and bio-diesel fuel. The team will also be one of the first teams in NASCAR to utilize solar-powered generators to power their equipment during the races.

"Peck Motorsport's decision to use solar powered generators this season is a great example of the type of technology we hope to see used by teams in the coming seasons," said Dr. Mike Lynch, managing director of green innovation, NASCAR. He goes on to explain, "NASCAR is working to bring new and impressive technology that compounds to cut down energy in a cutting-edge way."

Switching to a 5% bio-diesel fuel blend in the hauler allows the team to reduce major greenhouse gas components in the atmosphere. Ben Wootton, President of Keystone Biofuels explains, "By using the 5% blend in the hauler during one race trip to Florida (450 gal), Peck will reduce particulate matter by .25 lbs, hydrocarbons by .35 lbs, carbon monoxide by 1.75 lbs, sulphur dioxide by .15 lbs, and carbon dioxide by 362.49 lbs."

According to Keith Wolfe, Peck Motorsports Crew Chief, "Even small changes can make a big difference. Since we race on a national stage, we want to set a good example. Going green is a continued example of us being socially and environmentally responsible."

Peck Motorsports will showcase the changes at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts in Harrisburg, PA on Saturday, February 11. Fans and visitors will have the chance to meet Todd Peck, see the #96 Arthritis truck and walk through the "green" hauler.

Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts, located at 222 Market Street in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, is the mid-state's premier center for arts, education, entertainment and cultural enrichment.

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